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IBM Moon Walk:
A Celebration of Apollo 11’s
Fiftieth Anniversary


On July 20, 1969, two men took humanity’s first steps on the moon. So to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this incredible event, we invited everyone else to walk on the moon too. Kids, moms, dads, grandparents, nuns, hippies, dogs, and more. A "digital mirror" reflected them all in spacesuits with lunar gravity. The event, held at the Oculus in NYC from July 18-20, 2019, was designed to not only entertain people, but to educate them about IBM's role in the Apollo 11 mission and space exploration through the decades.


A week before the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing—as my partner and I were finishing everything seen above—our client decided she wanted a TV spot. So we made this.


Group Creative Director/Copywriter: Marc Hartzman
GCD/AD: Rich Wallace
ECD: Jeff Curry
Producers: Jessica Rivera, David Ross, Christina Cort
Technologists: Volvox Labs
Displays: TH Productions


Samsung QLEDecode


SAP S/4Hana